Cats & Soup জন্য Android

Cats & Soup - Cute Cat Game


ভার্সন 2.54.0

সুন্দর বিড়াল উত্থাপন সিমুলেশন খেলা

ডাউনলোড 34.6 M

এটি রেট করুন

অ্যান্টিভাইরাস এবং নিরাপত্তা স্ক্যানের ফলাফল

স্ক্যানের তারিখ: Oct 8, 2024 সফটওয়্যার সংস্করণ: 2.54.0
অবস্থা: ✅ বিশ্বাসযোগ্য এবং ইনস্টল করার জন্য নিরাপদ এই অ্যাপটি HIDEA এর দ্বারা বিশ্বাসযোগ্য এবং যাচাইকৃত ডিজিটাল স্বাক্ষর দ্বারা স্বাক্ষরিত হয়েছে এবং এটি বর্তমান Cats & Soup ইনস্টলেশনগুলিকে আপডেট করবে সার্টিফিকেট ফিঙ্গারপ্রিন্ট: 6460a9b34f3cc3b6bf2807a2058730259bbabb6f আমরা APK ফাইলের নিরাপত্তা কিভাবে যাচাই করি

Cats & Soup সিমুলেশন গেম জন্য Android বর্ণনা

♥Baby Kitty Costume X1, Cat Costume X1♥
[Special Limited Costume X2] ready for all hoomans who log in!!
♥Let's celebrate Cats & Soup's 3rd Anniversary bash with some purr-fect vibes together!♥
Don't miss out on the waves of free attendance event goodies including
Gems, Observatory Special Tickets, Fruit Tarts, Cake Slices, Pudding, and Furniture Coins☆
Here is a peaceful animal forest where cats boil their delicious soup!
An idle relaxing cat game perfect for cat moms and dads =✪ ᆺ ✪=

1. Cat Raising Game in Fairytale-Like Illustration
There has never been a cat game like this one!
Each cat’s features are so distinct in cartoonish illustration, including Ragdoll, Norwegian forest cat, Birman, Himalayan, Maine Coon, Siberian, British Shorthair and more!
Meet the cats in the fairytale-like forest ( >ω<)♡
2. Interact With the Cute Cats
Dress cats in various costumes like hats, accessories, and clothes.
Take photos of your cute animals.
You can receive hearts by feeding them fish caught from the mini-game♥
Name your own cats just the way you like as well!
3. Relaxing ASMR Sound and BGM
Meow- Relieve your stress listening to the chilling sounds♬
Prepare the ingredients and zoom into the cooking cats!
All the sounds from the animal restaurant can be heard♬ Swish swish♬ Blurp Blurp♬
Set the BGM to the playlist you want.
4. Easy and Fast Animal Tycoon
Cats cook and collect resources once you go idle!
Play while you’re eating, riding the bus, or working-!
Obtain new recipes and facilities from collected resources.
It’s a perfect game for tycoon game and animal restaurant game lovers!
If you are one of these gamers, download the game now!
♥A cat lover wanting to raise cats
♥Cat moms and dads who want more cats
♥Students or workers who need some rest right now
♥Those looking for cute animal games or cat games
♥ASMR lovers
♥Those looking for relaxing games, idle games, or roleplay games
♥Those who can’t stop saying “Cats are cute!”
♥Those who can’t just walk past cats
♥Those into pocket camp games like Animal Crossing
♥Tycoon game experts with super fast clicking speed in restaurant games or food games
Everybody has cats but me……
Well, meet your own cats right now!
Let’s go and check on your cute fluffy mittens- (=•́ܫ•̀=)

কী নতুন v2.54.0

Hooman! The weather’s getting so chilly lately, isn’t it?
To keep your body and heart warm during these cold days, we’ve arranged a cozy coffee event just for you, meow!
Make sure to log in every day and dress up the kitties in their cutest café outfits, purr!
Oh, and there’s an extra super cute baby hippo friend who just arrived, so don’t forget to visit the Feline Forest, meow-meow!

এছাড়াও পরিচিত

猫咪和汤 apk Katzen&Suppe apk Gatos y sopa apk Chats et soupe apk Kucing & sup apk Gatti e zuppa apk Gatos e sopa apk Кошки и суп apk Kediler ve Çorba apk


পুরোনো সংস্করণ

Cats & Soup icon

2.25.1 APK

September 29, 2023

Cats & Soup icon

2.24.0 APK

September 17, 2023

Cats & Soup icon

2.23.1 APK

September 8, 2023

এটি রেট করুন


★ 4.70 থেকে 5 হারে


ব্যবহারকারীর পর্যালোচনা সম্পর্কিত Cats & Soup

Cats & Soup - Cute Cat Game এ এখনও কোন মন্তব্য নেই। প্রথম হোন!