Scientific calculator plus 991 for Android

Scientific calculator plus 991

Tools for student


Advanced scientific calculator 991 plus. Includes simulator 115 and 300 plus.

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Status: ✅ Trusted & Safe to install This app is signed by Tools for student with trusted and verified digital signature and it will updated existing Scientific calculator plus 991 installations Certificate fingerprint: 84d71a38344e15f1bd49b0c59445432d0d565e6a How we verify APK files security

Scientific calculator plus 991 Calculators app for Android description

Scientific calculator 300 plus, 991 is the calculator for students and engineering student. Calculator 991 plus provides powerful functions in a real calculator 991 300 . It makes advanced calculator 991 become the most useful calculator for university and school.
Application includes some calculators inside:
- Basic calculator 300 plus
- Advanced calculator 115 plus
- Scientific calculator 991
- Scientific calculator 991 plus
- Graphing calculator 84 plus
Let's see some special features:
◉ Basic calculator 300 plus and 115 plus: supports from basic mathematics to advanced math functions: percentage, powers, roots, trigonometric, logarithms calculator. Fraction calculation 991 supports convert fraction to decimal, mixed fraction and solve fractions problems.
◉ Advanced calculator 115 plus: combines of hyper calculator and simple scientific calc. This calculator is a multi-functional advanced calculator 991 with all features in one app. Such as linear algebra, calculus, complex numbers, display result in rectangular and polar coordinates, matrix and vector.
◉ Scientific calculator 991 plus: includes smart equation solver. Equation solver can solve quadratic, cubic equations, systems of equations. Caluculator solves any polynomial. Smart scientific calculator 991 has exponent calculator contains scientific calculations such as derivative, integral, square root calculation, factorial calculation, pi calculation, equation solver.
◉ Scientific calculator 991: supports calculate with infinity number of digits, prime factors, random numbers, combinations, permutations, GCD and LCM. This calculator 991ex is a real engineering simulator. Scientific calculator has features of 500 es, 500 ms, 300 es plus, 991 es plus. Calculator keyboard layout same as calculator 300 es plus, 991 ex and es plus.
◉ Graphing calculator 84 plus supports function graph, polar, parametric and implicit function. Graphing calculator 84 can draw tangent, tracing, derivative, root, min and max. It simulates for graphing caluculator 83 and t1 84, 84 plus.
◉ Integral calculator 991 plus provide powerful calculator to calculate integrate, derivative, differentiation and integration.
◉ This scientific calculator 991 includes CAS (computer algebra system), which can perform symbolic calculation.
◉ Some other features: math formula, physics formula, unit conversion, theme, font and programming.

What's new in v7.2.3.694

We appreciate all valuable feedback.
In this update, we added new features, fixed so some problems and improved the math engine.
Thanks for using our app.


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