Anger of stick 5 : zombie

Anger of stick 5 : zombie

  • Updated
  • 1.1.83

'AngerOfStick' The world's most popular action game


Anger of stick 5 action game description

AngerOfStick 5 is an action-packed game for Android phones, featuring StickMan as the protagonist. Players are taken into a dystopian world where a strange group of enemies have been using innocent people as experimental tools and turning them into Zombies. To protect their city from this menace, players must work their way through the levels, fighting off these enemies and defeating bosses along the way.

The controls of AngerOfStick 5 are quite easy to learn. Players can move their character using the virtual joystick or directional buttons available on the screen. Combat consists of punches, kicks and power moves which can be unleashed against opponents by pressing specific buttons with combinations of movements and attacks. Additionally, special abilities like time-slowing down techniques help to execute effective strategies during battles.

In order to level up in AngerOfStick 5, players gain experience (EXP) points by defeating monsters or completing quests that appear throughout each stage. When they reach higher levels, they will be able to get support from 6 reliable friends who possess different abilities such as extending health points and restoring energy during fights. Players also have the option to request for help from up to 3 additional friends when needed in urgent situations.

AngerOfStick 5 also allows players to buy weapons ranging from guns and swords to machine guns and grenades which can then be upgraded further in order to enhance their power even more. Additionally, various skills like jumping can also be acquired in order to overcome obstacles or reach high places within stages easily. Overall, AngerOfStick 5 is a thrilling action game that promises hours of exciting gameplay full of intense battles against hordes of fierce foes set in a post-apocalyptic world.

Reviewed By:
Genoveva Mihaylova

Content Editor


APK Files

Anger of stick 5 is Android action game that can be downloaded in APK (Android Package) file format.

  • Anger of stick 5 apk
  • Anger Of Stick 5 : zombie
  • Anger of Stick5: Zombie
  • Anger of stick5 : zombie

Anger of stick 5 Gameplay video

Following are short videos of how to use Anger of stick 5 game.

Doble building infiltration | Zombie MODE level 22 | Anger of Stick 5

Check out our guide on how to install APK, XAPK and OBB files, to avoid having trouble installing Anger of stick 5 : zombie.

Anger of stick 5 Old Versions

  • Anger of stick 5 1.1.83

    Jul 25, 2023 • APK
  • Anger of stick 5 1.1.79

    May 12, 2023 • APK
  • Anger of stick 5 1.1.78

    Feb 2, 2023 • APK

Anger of stick 5 Specifications

Android 4.4
APK (Android Package Kit)
4.50 out of 5 from 14 votes

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