Bankak / بنكك

Bankak / بنكك

  • Updated
  • 4.43
Bank of Khartoum.

Secure Convenience - Manage Your Finances Anywhere with Intuitive Features


Bankak / بنكك Finance app description

Bankak / بنكك is a smart app developed by the Bank of Khartoum to make accessing one’s bank account or mobile accounts easier and more secure. It is derived from the previous version, mBOK and was met with great success due to its innovative features.

To begin, users can log in using their Bank of Khartoum A/C – CIF number or create a new mobile account from within the app. Users will then be able to enjoy instant access to their bank accounts as well as real-time financial transactions (including transfers). More powerful than ever before, users are given the ability to transfer funds between their own bank accounts, other BOK accounts, any Mobile Money account holders and even other banks via simply providing the card number.

In addition, users can transfer up to SDG 2 million per day in complete safety — all transactions are followed up with an instant SMS notification containing details of that transaction. With “بنـكك |PAY” (QR code-based payment) integrated into this app as well, users have endless possibilities in managing their finances at their fingertips!

Bankak / بنكك APK is an easy-to-use and remarkably efficient app which provides an enhanced user experience for customers of Bank of Khartoum looking for convenient and secure means of accessing & managing their banking services. Easy setup combined with intuitive features makes it a must-have for anyone who wants full control over their finances without having sacrificing security — anytime, anywhere!

Reviewed By:
Genoveva Mihaylova

Content Editor


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I log in to Bankak / بنكك?

You can log in with your Bank of Khartoum A/C – CIF or create and access your mobile account instantly using your mobile number.

What are the benefits of using Bankak / بنكك?

There are many benefits to using Bankak / بنكك, such as instant and real-time access to your account from anywhere, secure access for every transaction through instant SMS alerts, transfer funds between bank accounts, other banks (via card number) and any Mobile Money account holder, and you can use “بنـكك |PAY” (QR code-based payment).

Is there a daily limit for transactions on Bankak / بنكك?

Yes, there is a daily limit of up to SDG 2 million on transactions done through the app.

Is Bankak / بنكك available for iOS phones as well as Android?

Yes, it is available on both Android and iOS devices.

APK Files

Bankak / بنكك is Android finance app that can be downloaded in APK (Android Package) file format.

  • Bankak / بنكك apk
  • بنكك

Bankak / بنكك Walk-through video

Following are short videos of how to use Bankak / بنكك app.

كيف تحول من بنكك | bankak | إلي البنوك السودانية الأخرى من بنك الخرطوم عبر تطبيق (بنكك)

Check out our guide on how to install APK, XAPK and OBB files, to avoid having trouble installing Bankak / بنكك.

Bankak / بنكك Specifications

Android 4.4
APK (Android Package Kit)
Bank of Khartoum.
3.70 out of 5 from 10 votes

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