A.(에이닷) - 나만의 AI 개인비서

A.(에이닷) - 나만의 AI 개인비서

  • Updated
  • 2.8.6

Adot, an AI service that organizes everything from calls to recordings and summaries at once! Enjoy the convenience of life and various


A.(에이닷) lifestyle app description

An AI assistant that will make your life easier. A personal assistant to help you, and it is an artificial intelligence. A.(에이닷) - 나만의 AI 개인비서 is an application that can save us a lot of time, and it is not even complicated to use. In fact, it is an AI that we can talk to in a natural way, as if it were any of our friends.

The main function of this app is to record calls. However, we can also use it to make calls, translate conversations and access various content and services. We will also have the possibility to access a personal photo gallery with the photos stored on our device, and we can even find out the color that suits us best in each photo, as well as the color that suits us best according to our own characteristics.

For SKT users, this app offers the possibility of recording calls, translations and summaries. This way, we can solve phone calls, recordings, summaries and everything else, as long as we connect our device to the app.

Reviewed By:
Genoveva Mihaylova

Content Editor


APK Files

A.(에이닷) is Android lifestyle app that can be downloaded in APK (Android Package) file format.

  • A.(에이닷) apk

Check out our guide on how to install APK, XAPK and OBB files, to avoid having trouble installing A.(에이닷) - 나만의 AI 개인비서.

A.(에이닷) Specifications

Android 10
APK (Android Package Kit)
5.00 out of 5 from 1 votes

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