Yessi for Android

Yessi (예씨) 긍정확언, 명언, 목표를 자동으로

Yessi (긍정확언·명언·미니명상·목표·자기계발·긍정의힘)

version 0.6.6

Automatically display positive affirmations on your Android

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Antivirus & safety scan results

Scan Date: Oct 8, 2024 Software Version: 0.6.6
Status: ✅ Trusted & Safe to install This app is signed by Yessi (긍정확언·명언·미니명상·목표·자기계발·긍정의힘) with trusted and verified digital signature and it will updated existing Yessi installations Certificate fingerprint: 4b75a89329faee9c16d0f4cb27a8c6b74762e92f How we verify APK files security

Yessi app for Android review by AndroidFreeware

Incorporate positive messages into your life by using your phone. It is the idea behind this tool. But how does it work and what exactly does it offer?

Automatically display positive affirmations on your Android

Yessi (예씨) 긍정확언, 명언, 목표를 자동으로 is a very useful app that shows different positive messages on your Android device's screen. And it does so depending on how you use the terminal: whether you turn its screen on, unlock it, or leave it in your pocket. In this way, Yessi (예씨) lets you automatically read up to 100 positive affirmations per day, which is a lot.

Yessi (예씨) is very easy to use, as it has three basic functions:Set the categories of messages you want to receive.Create your own messages. View the statistics of the automatic messages you have read. The system offers a large number of ready-made messages grouped by theme, such as love, self-esteem, success, happiness, and health. However, you can also create your own messages and add them to the lock screen.

It will help you read positive messages 100 times a day.On the other hand, this app also has a large gallery with beautiful backgrounds to display your messages. It also offers interesting statistics so you can know the number of messages you have read. If you need a little push to get up in the morning, this app offers an interesting service. And it is completely free.

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What's new in v0.6.6

🆕신규 기능: '문장 바로 보이기' ON/OFF 설정!🔒✨

이제 잠금 화면에서 프라이버시를 한층 더 보호할 수 있습니다. '문장 바로 보이기' 기능을 끄면, 잠금화면에 가림판이 생겨 확언/명언 가려집니다. 보고 싶을 때는 가림판을 터치하여 확언/명언을 확인하세요! 👆

● [설정 방법] 설정 > 화면에 문장 바로 보이기 > 활성화/비활성화



Old Versions

Yessi icon

0.3.2 APK

June 7, 2024