AR VR Molecules Editor

AR VR Molecules Editor

  • Updated
  • 1.10

Virtual Space has announced the release of AR VR Molecules Editor, their new educational app. AR VR Molecules Editor allows one to build


AR VR Molecules Editor app info

Are you looking for an app that allows students to construct molecules in VR and AR? The developer has created an educational tool to build and manipulate molecular models of chemical compounds in virtual and augmented reality environment. In the app, all molecules are represented and assembled as 3D objects to learn more and deeper about atoms and bonds in easy and entertaining way - virtual reality. Augmented reality feature of the app additionally serves as a very efficient way to make connections from the abstract to the real world. AR VR Molecules Editor is designed for high school or college students taking chemistry courses. The augmented reality feature can easily be performed in class by printing special in-app markers with text representation of molecular compounds. Students can view 3D molecules models of the compounds right in front of the markers in AR, allowing them to easily comprehend the structure of molecules and atomic bonds. In virtual reality, AR VR Molecules Editor allows organic and inorganic molecular structures to be built with single, double and triple bonds, as well as cyclic compounds. The molecules can be visualized in 3D using stick, ball and stick and space-filling (CPK) models. Users can save and load their work at any time. Many features are expected to come in the future, including import and export of 3D models of molecules in popular formats (including the PubChem online database), saving graphic pictures of assembled molecules and many others. Main features of the app: Building molecule models of any organic or inorganic compound using most of periodic table elements in VR. Support of single, double and triple bonds. Building molecule models of cyclic compounds. Visualization of Wireframe style, Stick style, Ball and Stick, Spacefill (CPK) models. Augmented reality interface (AR) for visualizing molecular structures. Supported Languages: US English and Russian


APK Files

AR VR Molecules Editor is Android augmented app that can be downloaded in APK (Android Package) file format.

  • AR VR Molecules Editor apk

Check out our guide on how to install APK, XAPK and OBB files, to avoid having trouble installing AR VR Molecules Editor.

AR VR Molecules Editor Specifications

Android smartphone with Android 4.4 or higher + any VR headset (Android tablet PCs are also supported)
APK (Android Package Kit)
Virtual Space OOO
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