Barometer & Altimeter

Barometer & Altimeter

  • Updated
  • 2.3.04
EXA Tools

Check accurate Atmospheric pressure and Altitude wherever you are!


Barometer & Altimeter app info

Barometer and Altimeter is a simple application for measuring atmospheric pressure and altitude.

The application uses:
- built-in GPS,
- built-in pressure sensor / barometer (if the device does not have a barometric sensor, application retrieves atmospheric pressure data via the Internet from the nearest meteorological station),
- automatic altitude and atmospheric pressure calibration algorithm, based on data from local meteorological stations.

Barometer and Altimeter features:
- accurate height measurement above sea level (from GPS and other sensors),
- accurate measurement of barometric pressure (if the device is equipped in pressure sensor and check data available online)
- GPS coordinates, name of location, country
- information and current weather data from your local weather station (if available).
- outside temperature,
- wind speed,
- visibility,
- humidity, hygrometer (if device is equipped with appropriate sensors).

Exemplary uses of a barometer or altimeter tracker:
- health and medical - by monitoring the atmosteric pressure, you can be prepared for pressure jumps, headaches, migraine and malaise,
- for fishermen and anglers who fishing and sailing - monitoring the atmospheric pressure and weather you can increase the chances for good fishing,
- sportsmen and tourists,
- for determining, predicting and checking weather, air temperature, wind speed,
- to check the location,
- for pilots for check pressure and altitude,
- sailors, seamans and surfers can check the wind.

Using this barometeter tracker is simpler than using an aneroid or mercury barometer. Our Barometer and Altimeter tracker are free, easy to use, simple and handy.

Warning! Some portable devices (tablets, phones, smartphones) do not have a built-in pressure sensor. On these devices, the measurements may be less accurate as they will be based on data from the local meteorological stations.

We are constantly developing this app, if you see something that can be improved send us on If you like this app, rate it for 5 stars.

Enjoy and have a good time with this app!


APK Files

Barometer & Altimeter is Android tools app that can be downloaded in APK (Android Package) file format.

  • Barometer & Altimeter apk
  • Barometer und Höhenmesser
  • Barómetro Altímetro Termómetro
  • Baromètre et Altimètre
  • Altimeter and Barometer
  • बैरोमीटर ऑल्टिमीटर थर्मामीटर
  • Barometro e Altimetro
  • 気圧計と高度計と温度計
  • 기압계 및 고도계 및 온도계
  • Barómetro Altímetro Termômetro
  • Барометр альтиметр и термометр
  • Barometre ve Altimetre
  • 氣壓計和高度計
  • مقياس الارتفاع ومقياس الارتفاع

Barometer & Altimeter Walk-through video

Following are short videos of how to use Barometer & Altimeter app.

Accurate Barometer Android app

Check out our guide on how to install APK, XAPK and OBB files, to avoid having trouble installing Barometer & Altimeter.

Barometer & Altimeter Specifications

Android 4.4
APK (Android Package Kit)
EXA Tools
4.70 out of 5 from 32 votes

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