Bobs Galaxy Alein Shooter

Bobs Galaxy Alein Shooter

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Shoot The Aliens And Save The BoB's Galaxy.


Bobs Galaxy Alein Shooter app info

BoB'S GALAXY- THE ALIEN SHOOTER- In this game You are shooter Bob and your Galaxy is in Danger as the aliens from other galaxy are attacking to your galaxy.So bob you have to save your galaxy by shooting the aliens with space Gun. At some point you will get some powers to help you save your galaxy.There are two powers one is shield and another is Space bomb to Destroy the aliens. You will also get The coins to make score SO LETS SAVE THE BoB's Galaxy. Features: Tap To play Space Theme Good Graphics Anyone Can play


APK Files

Bobs Galaxy Alein Shooter is Android galaxy app that can be downloaded in APK (Android Package) file format.

  • Bobs Galaxy Alein Shooter apk

Check out our guide on how to install APK, XAPK and OBB files, to avoid having trouble installing Bobs Galaxy Alein Shooter.

Bobs Galaxy Alein Shooter Specifications

Android OS
APK (Android Package Kit)
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