Brasil TV

Brasil TV

  • Updated
  • 2.12

Watch live TV channels from Brazil and on demand movies.


Brasil TV Streaming app description

Brasil TV is Android app that allows you to watch all Brazilian TV channels, including government ones. It has selection of more than 120 channels which you can watch in real-time. Along with this you can watch all the latest movies translated in Portuguese and video on demand.

Brasil TV features

  • 120+ Brazilian TV Channels.
  • Translated movies and TV shows.
  • Keep track of favorite content.
  • Free to use.

How to use Brasil TV?

To use this app you need to have a registered account. If you don't have one, you can sign up for one from within the app. After logging in all the movies and TV channels will be available to stream. Just tap on the channel icon to start live stream or select a movie from the catalog.


Brasil TV is awesome app to watch all the most popular TV channels in Brazil. It saves your preferences in the cloud so you can use it onm different devices with your history and favorites lists. With many movies, TV series, Anime and kids content in Portuguese it is a must have entertainment hub for all Brazilians out there.

Reviewed By:
Genoveva Mihaylova

Content Editor


APK Files

Brasil TV is Android streaming app that can be downloaded in APK (Android Package) file format.

  • Brasil TV apk

Check out our guide on how to install APK, XAPK and OBB files, to avoid having trouble installing Brasil TV .

Brasil TV Specifications

Android 4.1
25.1 MB
APK (Android Package Kit)
4.85 out of 5 from 7 votes

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