

  • Updated
  • 4.0.2

Looking for the quickest food delivery? That’s easy with our new BEEORDER app.


BeeOrder food app description

BEEORDER is quick and easy to find what you are looking for with offers, discounts and new dishes always being updated so you're never left out of the loop! You can also find your vouchers all in one place so you never have to worry about losing them again.

Looking for the quickest food delivery? That’s easy with our new BEEORDER app. BEEORDER Offers: Find exclusive and highlighted offers positioned at the very top of the app to always save more. Trending Dishes: Find the most popular dishes that our community has chosen as its best. New Dishes: Discover what is new in our restaurants, don’t miss out on anything! Be the first to taste everything!. Voucher Wallet: Are you sick of getting your vouchers lost, you can find them here.

The new BEEORDER app is the quickest and easiest way to get the food you crave without any hassle. With exclusive offers and discounts, you can save more on the dishes you love. You can also find the most popular dishes as chosen by our community, so you know you're getting the best of the best. Plus, with new dishes being added all the time, you can be the first to try something new and delicious. And finally, our voucher wallet ensures that you'll never lose another voucher again. So why wait? Get the food you want, when you want it, with BEEORDER.

Reviewed By:
Veselin Nedev



APK Files

BeeOrder is Android food app that can be downloaded in APK (Android Package) file format.

  • BeeOrder apk

BeeOrder Walk-through video

Following are short videos of how to use BeeOrder app. Restaurant Self Ordering System-mobile app

Check out our guide on how to install APK, XAPK and OBB files, to avoid having trouble installing BeeOrder.

BeeOrder Specifications

Android 4.5+
APK (Android Package Kit)
4.10 out of 5 from 830 votes

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