Brickit for Android



version 4.27.3

Scan, choose, create!

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Antivirus & safety scan results

Scan Date: Oct 2, 2024 Software Version: 4.27.3
Status: ✅ Trusted & Safe to install This app is signed by Brickit with trusted and verified digital signature and it will updated existing Brickit installations Certificate fingerprint: 50183accb96ee171a45d9452768ab808b994d273 How we verify APK files security

Brickit app for Android review by AndroidFreeware

Brickit is an innovative app that helps users find new models to make with their own Lego bricks. The process starts simply by scanning the bricks and allowing the app to recognize and count them, after which the user can choose from a variety of building ideas such as robots, kangaroos, X-wings, plants, buildings and more! From there they will be able to follow step-by-step instructions on how to build them. Brickit APK is great for parents looking for creative ways to get their kids engaged with activities like this.

The interface of Brickit was designed with the goal of making it easy and intuitive for both children and adults alike. It features simple navigation buttons on top of colorful backgrounds that are designed in a way that encourages interactivity. The design also uses attractive graphics which draw attention to each building idea without overwhelming the user experience. All of these features make using Brickit incredibly easy and enjoyable even for novice builders!

In terms of accuracy, Brickits ability to recognize and count individual pieces is quite impressive. We tested several brands of Legos before arriving at a good deal of success. Even when we had some misshapen pieces or extra plastic dust mixed in amongst our collection, Brickit still showed impressive recognition capabilities such as accurately counting all 17 different piece types we had spread out before it.

One feature that would definitely improve Brickit is the option to search for parts based on what you already have available rather than relying solely on what the application recognizes through its scanning feature. This would allow users who know exactly what type of pieces they have but don't necessarily want to scan every individual brick the freedom to quickly jump into building projects knowing they have all necessary materials right away! Furthermore, adding an in-app chatroom or forum where users can ask one another questions about their builds could be helpful for those stuck trying something more advanced or just wanting tips from other experienced builders out there - always better when shared knowledge grows together!

All in all, Brickit is a fantastic app that provides a truly unique experience when it comes to creating your own Lego models right at home! With an impressive ability recognize and count different piece types no matter how dusty or misshapen things get; excellent design elements perfect for both adults & children alike; plus room for improvement made by additional features like searching pieces by part type & chatroom access - let your imagination run wild with 'Brickit'!

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What does the Brickit app do?

The Brickit app allows you to scan your bricks and get building ideas. You can choose the idea that catches your fancy and follow our handy instructions to assemble step by step. It also helps you find bricks easily as it shows where they are located.

What is similar to the Brickit app?

There are other apps that help users build with LEGO bricks such as LEGO Juniors Create & Cruise, LEGO Duplo Creative Box, and LEGO Life.

Is there an app to identify bricks?

Yes, The Brickit app has a feature which helps users identify their LEGO pieces by scanning them with their phone's camera.

What's new in v4.27.3

Technical update: made several bug fixes and performance improvements



Old Versions

Brickit icon

4.11.1 APK

September 29, 2023

Brickit icon

4.8.1 APK

June 15, 2023

Brickit icon

4.7.2 APK

June 11, 2023