Bapuji Seva Kendra

Bapuji Seva Kendra

  • Updated
  • 2.8
RDPR Department, Govt of Karnataka

Bapuji Seva Kendras were set up across all the Grama Panchayats in Karnataka offering different services largely from RDPR, Revenue and


Bapuji Seva Kendra social app description

Bapuji Seva Kendra is the unique initiative, which was launched on 1st July 2016 by RDPR department, Government of Karnataka. It is a free mobile application for all Android phones developed by the Government of Karnataka to provide access to various services offered by Rural Development and Panchayat Raj (RDPR), Revenue and other departments including commercial taxes.

Through this app, citizens can now avail different services like property tax/cess payments, birth/death certificates as well as various government & private sector schemes through a single click or tap on their mobiles in an easy and quick manner. The user-friendly interface ensures that even those who are not tech savvy can easily understand the features available within the application. The App also stores information of users’ past transactions providing hassle-free interaction thereby enabling any citizen to complete their work without having to visit offices frequently.

The integration between Bapuji Seva Kendras app with banks such as SBI has made it even more efficient thus allowing seamless financial transaction over secure payment gateways right from your phone without having to stand in long queues outside banks! This comes handy especially during COVID 19 pandemic situation when physical distancing has become important factor for safety considerations everywhere across India!

Reviewed By:
Genoveva Mihaylova

Content Editor


APK Files

Bapuji Seva Kendra is Android social app that can be downloaded in APK (Android Package) file format.

  • Bapuji Seva Kendra apk

Check out our guide on how to install APK, XAPK and OBB files, to avoid having trouble installing Bapuji Seva Kendra.

Bapuji Seva Kendra Specifications

Android 5.0
APK (Android Package Kit)
RDPR Department, Govt of Karnataka
5.00 out of 5 from 11 votes

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