Burma TV Pro

Burma TV Pro

  • Updated
  • 1.0.1
Burma TV LLC

Burma TV Pro app is a great way to watch live TV and browse the content catalog.


Burma TV Pro entertainment app description

Myanmar Best Online TV is app to instantly watch Live TV and browse across all the content catalog. You can Browse a growing selection of titles and new episodes that are added regularly. Search for titles and watch immediately on your phone. Rate your favorite videos, Add them to you playlist for watching later.

How easy is it to install ?

To install the app, simply go to the Google Play Store and search for Burma TV Pro. The app is free to download and install.

How does it work?

Once you have installed the app, open it and you will be presented with a list of channels. Select the channel you want to watch and the video will start playing. You can also browse the content catalog and add videos to your playlist.

Is it free?

Yes, the app is free to download and use.

What are the features?

Myanmar Best Online TV With the app you can instantly watch Live TV and browse across all the content catalog. You can Browse a growing selection of titles and new episodes that are added regularly. Search for titles and watch immediately on your phone. Rate your favorite videos, Add them to you playlist for watching later.

How easy is it to use?

The app is very easy to use. Simply select the channel you want to watch and the video will start playing. You can also browse the content catalog and add videos to your playlist.

What are the benefits?

The app offers a great way to watch live TV and browse the content catalog. You can add videos to your playlist and rate your favorite videos.

What are the drawbacks?

There are no drawbacks to using the app.

Overall, the Burma TV Pro app is a great way to watch live TV and browse the content catalog. The app is free to download and use, and offers a great way to watch live TV and browse the content catalog. You can add videos to your playlist and rate your favorite videos.

Reviewed By:
Genoveva Mihaylova

Content Editor


APK Files

Burma TV Pro is Android entertainment app that can be downloaded in APK (Android Package) file format.

  • Burma TV Pro apk

Burma TV Pro Walk-through video

Following are short videos of how to use Burma TV Pro app.

Burma TV Pro APK download for Android, iOS & PC | Watch live streaming of sports and show's

Check out our guide on how to install APK, XAPK and OBB files, to avoid having trouble installing Burma TV Pro.

Burma TV Pro Specifications

Android 5.1
APK (Android Package Kit)
Burma TV LLC
4.70 out of 5 from 54 votes

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