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Cuestionarios RIMA EMS


version 1.3

Application to answer diagnostic tests in Guanajuato.

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Cuestionarios RIMA EMS app review by AndroidFreeware

Cuestionarios RIMA EMS is a free app for Android phones that allows users to answer diagnostic tests in Guanajuato, Mexico. The app includes a wide variety of questions related to medical emergencies, and users can answer the questions directly from their phone. The app is very user-friendly and easy to navigate, and the questions are well-organized and clearly written. Overall, Cuestionarios RIMA EMS is a great tool for those who need to answer diagnostic tests in Guanajuato.

First you need the app Cuestionarios RIMA EMS on your Android phone. Second you have to be in the state of Guanajuato to use it. Third, the app is only in Spanish.Fourth, when you first open the app it gives you a list of all the diagnostic tests with little information about each one.

For example, the first diagnostic test is called the "Prueba de orientación y conocimiento general". When you click on it, it gives you a little description and then has 10 questions. Once you answer the 10 questions, it gives you your results and tells you if you need to consult a doctor.

The app is pretty straightforward and easy to use. It's a helpful tool if you're in the state of Guanajuato and need to take a diagnostic test.

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