Asia Empire for Android

Asia Empire

iGindis Games

version 3.7.9

Lead your Asian empire in an empire building turn based strategy war game

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Scan Date: Sep 24, 2024 Software Version: 3.7.9
Status: ✅ Trusted & Safe to install This app is signed by iGindis Games with trusted and verified digital signature and it will updated existing Asia Empire installations Certificate fingerprint: 3394d5d2ab2484ca9e13331cd138f3ff7fb003df How we verify APK files security

Asia Empire game for Android review by AndroidFreeware

Asia Empire is an exciting turn-based strategy game for Android phones. Players take on the role of the supreme leader of their own empire in an effort to conquer their rivals and rise to become the supreme leader. As the leader, players will have to use all available resources, from diplomacy to war, in order to build an economy and military that is superior to all others.

The game is set in an age of imperial conflict, and the player is tasked with amassing resources and expanding their empire through a variety of activities. The resource management aspect of the game is highly detailed and allows players to develop their population, maximize their income, and trade resources with other empires. Furthermore, the game features a range of diplomatic, espionage, and military options. Players can establish alliances, use spies to gain intelligence, and even declare war on rival empires should they choose.

Asia Empire also allows players to customize their empires with a variety of buildings and units to help them achieve victory. Regularly updated World News also keeps players informed of the current state of their empire as well as its relations with other empires.

Overall, Asia Empire is an engaging and comprehensive empire building strategy game. The gameplay is easy to learn yet offers a plentiful amount of strategic options. The game also provides equal challenge to players of all ages and skill levels. With its detailed resource management system, varied diplomatic and military options, and realistic world news, Asia Empire is an excellent free strategy game for Android phones.

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What's new in v3.7.9

* Improved game UI, Speed and Stability.
* Updated many countries' armies, relations and economy based on real world data.
* Fixed reported issues and continue to improve Artificial Intelligence.

We plan to add countless new diplomacy & spies & war options, technologies, resources...
Your support is important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
iGindis Team


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Old Versions

Asia Empire icon

3.5.9 APK

September 13, 2023

Asia Empire icon

3.4.6 APK

June 9, 2023

Asia Empire icon

3.4.3 APK

May 24, 2023