BraveNine Story

BraveNine Story

  • Updated
  • 1.5.4

The famous Turn-based RPG is back as a Visual Novel RPG with great stories!


BraveNine Story simulation game description

Brave Nine Story is the latest free-to-play mobile simulation game developed by NEXON Inc., that combines the classic turn-based RPG game system with the immersive storytelling of visual novels. This game features a unique adventure story of an unstoppable mercenary group and requires you to make a contract with characters of your choice. It offers a fully immersive gaming experience with exciting stories and thrilling battles.

The player takes on the role of a leader of the mercenary group, and is responsible for recruiting the members of the team, assigning roles and leading them into battle. The mission is to take down powerful enemies and protect the innocent people in the game’s world. The turn-based combat system is the heart of the game and features an array of tactical combat maneuvers and intuitive controls to defeat your opponents.

The visuals of the game are very impressive, with vibrant colors and detailed animations that make it a visual treat. The music and sound effects are also quite good and add to the atmosphere of the game. The game also offers a variety of gameplay mechanics such as combo attacks, defense break and critical hit, providing a wide range of tactical depth for players to explore.

Along with the mission-based game play, the game also features a unique visual novel element, where players can gain further insight into the characters, explore their hidden stories and learn more about the world. Every character has their own unique back story and their own desirable traits, and players must decide which characters they wish to team up with in order to progress in the game.

In conclusion, Brave Nine Story is an innovative and engaging simulation game that combines the classic turn-based RPG elements with visual novel storytelling. With its immersive stories, intense battles, and varied gameplay mechanics, this game offers hours of exciting gameplay. It’s a highly recommended game for those looking for an exciting and immersive gaming experience.

Reviewed By:
George Dimoff



APK Files

BraveNine Story is Android simulation game that can be downloaded in APK (Android Package) file format.

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BraveNine Story Gameplay video

Following are short videos of how to use BraveNine Story game.

BraveNine Story - Android Gameplay Part 1

Check out our guide on how to install APK, XAPK and OBB files, to avoid having trouble installing BraveNine Story.

BraveNine Story Specifications

Android 6.0
APK (Android Package Kit)
2.50 out of 5 from 57 votes

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