Barrah Alsalfah

Barrah Alsalfah

  • Updated
  • 1.25
Table Knight Games

A party game about trickery and deceit


Barrah Alsalfah game info

Are you good at reading your friends body language and expression to find out the truth? or are you a master of trickery and deceit deflecting questions left and right! find out with Barrah Alsalfah (Arabic Only)

How To Play:
•Gather your buddies
•Choose a categories
•Each player will be told their role either "Informed" or "clueless"
•The "informed" should try to figure out who is the "clueless" person who does not know the topic of the round
•While the "clueless" should attempt to figure out the topic from the discussion that is happening to win

Available Categories:
•Anime: Naruto, One Piece, Attack on Titan, etc.
•Games: Fortnite, PUBG, Dark Souls, Super Mario, etc.
•Food: Kabsah, Burger, Pizza, Shawerma, etc.
•TV Shows: Game of Thrones, House, Prison Break, Suits

Players: 3-8

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Twitter: @TableKnightGame
Instagram: @TableKnightGames

Are you in or are you out?


APK Files

Barrah Alsalfah is Android trivia game that can be downloaded in APK (Android Package) file format.

  • Barrah Alsalfah apk
  • برا السالفة

Check out our guide on how to install APK, XAPK and OBB files, to avoid having trouble installing Barrah Alsalfah.

Barrah Alsalfah Specifications

Android 5.0
APK (Android Package Kit)
Table Knight Games
4.50 out of 5 from 16 votes

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