CreatePDF app info
Whenever You need to annotate some images with text think of CreatePDF. You need to create and distribute a catalog of new arrivals think CreatePDF. If you need to create a brochure think of CreatePDF. CreatePDF is an android App. It can be used to create multi-page PDFs containing text and images on the go without internet The images can be in the phone gallery or in files. You could use phone camera to capture images from within the app and add to PDF Text can be added from files or by typing. Images can be resized and rotated before adding to PDF . PDF files created can be saved in documents You can email the saved PDF You could modify and upload your resume in PDF Form. Click pictures of the place you visited and send the annotated text along with images in PDF form. How to use: 1. Add text by typing or selecting a text file 2. Add Image by selecting from gallery or files 3. Each page consists of 50% text and balance image 4.The format is WYSIWYG and each page of PDF consists of exactly what you see on screen. 5.Save the PDF with a file name of your choice 6. Add as many pages as you need. Open the PDF document with any PDF viewer/editor on your device. 7. Email the PDF too whoever you want 8. Resize or Rotate images in gallery/taken with camera Internet Connection is not required to create PDF. But you would need it for e-mailing.