Frigo Magic app for Android review by AndroidFreeware
Get recipes with the stuff in your fridge. How many times have you opened the fridge and wondered what to prepare with what you have inside? If this usually happens to you, Frigo Magic is the app you need. It is an app that lets you prepare all kinds of recipes with the ingredients you have on hand.
Frigo Magic: Use your fridge ingredients to make recipes.
How to prepare recipes with your Android
This app lets us enter the ingredients we have in the fridge, freezer, and pantry and find different recipes that we can make with them. To do this, follow these steps:
Step 1: enter the ingredients you have in the search box.
Step 2: Select the allergy, intolerance, or ingredients we want to exclude.
Step 3: Choose the type of dish you want to make.
Step 4: Find the recipe you want to make from the suggested ones.
A tool that lets you prepare delicious meals without even having to go shopping!
We can also save these recipes to cook them whenever we want. In addition, the app has a very useful variation function, which lets you change the ingredients of the recipes to find alternatives and replacement ingredients. Also, some of them include videos and complete nutritional information. It also has a 'What I cook today' section, where you can see the recipes you have already cooked (and also the ones you have abandoned).