Bíblia Fiel Comentada for Android

Bíblia Fiel Comentada

Unipro Editora

version 2.15.0

Get closer to the words of the Lord and the sacred writings of the Bible.

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Scan Date: Aug 30, 2024 Software Version: 2.15.0
Status: ✅ Trusted & Safe to install This app is signed by Unipro Editora with trusted and verified digital signature and it will updated existing Bíblia Fiel Comentada installations Certificate fingerprint: f102899cd370973d2fbacee2e485eb00a375aa58 Issuer: C:55, CN:MadeInWeb, L:São Paulo, O:MadeInWeb, ST:SP, OU:MadeInWeb How we verify APK files security
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Bíblia Fiel Comentada Religion app for Android description

Esta versão é comentada pelo Bispo Edir Macedo, exemplo de homem de fé e de conhecimento da palavra de Deus. Tenha todo o conteúdo da Bíblia para ler quando e onde quiser, direto do seu celular.
Tenha em mãos os ensinamentos e a palavra de Deus, e terá Jesus Cristo ao seu lado em todos os momentos.

What's new in v2.15.0

News! Novidades! ¡Novedad!

Now you can have the Bible with Bishop Macedo's commentaries in 3 languages (Portuguese, English and Spanish).

We've also redesigned some of the screens, such as the profile and registration flow.

Enjoy and update the app now!



Old Versions

Bíblia Fiel Comentada icon

2.14.0 APK

May 26, 2023