PangaLe Fun app description
PangaLe is game to test your prediction skills. You an play with real friends or fantasy players and try to predict the outcome of sport events. In the future other sport games and election battle will be included.
Made with passion for sports
Most of the sport lovers are passionate about placing bets about outcome of favorite sport event. If you want to place a bet and confirm your wage for possible outcome try Panga Le. It lets you battle with friends over the possible outcome and view other people's opinions. The current option is to place bets on Cricket, but Football, Hockey, Basketball, Boxing, Golf, Baseball and Kabaddi are coming soon.
Test your prediction skills
The software if great to test sports or Election Battle predictions. You can create own custom social challenges or battles of predicting the outcomes social or sport events.
Overall impressions
PangaLe is app with interesting concept and can be very interesting to people who are into gambling. You can learn more about it at PangaLe website.