Weather forecast for Android

Weather forecast


version 1.96.423.02

Weather, the best weather forecast, update real time, hourly and daily

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Weather forecast app for Android review by AndroidFreeware

Weather is truly a remarkable free Android app that provides users with real-time, hourly and daily updates about the weather. The app gives all sorts of important information about the climate at any given location including the current time, temperature, atmospheric pressure, visibility distance, relative humidity, precipitation information in both metric and imperial units, along with dew point and wind speed & direction. It also supports allowing users to search and manage multiple locations as well as providing notifications when needed. Plus there’s even an easy-to-use widget to quickly view real-time weather updates right on your home screen!

This intuitively designed app offers a bevy of useful features that make staying informed about your local forecast as effortless as possible. Once you load a location into the app you can easily access detailed depictions of the current weather conditions where you can check out things like cloud cover percentage and your chance of rain or snow depending on what season it is.

But Weather doesn’t just provide you helpful visuals for today; it also shows forecasts up to 7 days into the future so you can quickly glimpse how your area will change over time or plan for upcoming events that may require preparation due to certain weather conditions. Overall this reliable weather forecasting application is an invaluable tool for helping everyone stay on top of their local climate no matter where they are located or how quickly it changes. Beautifully crafted visuals combined with detailed data makes Weather one of my favorite places when I want to stay informed about what it’ll be like outside!

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Old Versions

Weather forecast icon

1.91.391.01 APK

November 19, 2022

Weather forecast icon

1.89.387.01 APK

October 30, 2022

Weather forecast icon APK

May 26, 2022