Practice Time! pour Android

Practice Time!


version 1.1.0

Une application de suivi du temps, un métronome et un enregistreur pour les musiciens

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Practice Time! Apprentissage Musical application pour Android description

Boost your practice!
Practice Time! helps you while practicing your instrument with time tracking and other smart features.
This music practice app is designed to be a musician’s tool for everyday practice and help you in improving your habits. All you need in one app!
Personalized Time Tracker:
Start tracking your practice time for any piece, exercise, scale, or anything you want to practice with a single touch. You can add comments and rate your session (be honest!).
Set daily, weekly or monthly time goals and check your results.
With adjustable tempo, subdivision and highlights on beats.
Audio Recorder:
Easily record and listen to yourself without switching apps.
Different diagrams and charts will show your improvements over time.
Define and manage your practice items (scales, pieces and other exercises...).
This project has been financed by the German music promotion program “Neustart Kultur“ by the GVL (Gesellschaft zur Verwertung von Leistungsschutzrechten mbH)
