1492 Clicker

1492 Clicker

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It's a simple clicker game about 1492, America. Be a mighty leader who settles in New World! Declare independence from the King for


1492 Clicker permainan info

In 1492, you arrived in New World with a group of pioneers. Fortunately, New World had plentiful resources and a mild climate to live in. Now the only one necessary is a leader - who can lead them in the right way. Could you be a mighty leader who settles in New World? Could you declare independence from the King for liberty?

How to play
* Touch the elemental resources at the bottom of the screen, and you'll gather them.
* Create workers with those resources.
* Give them with proper jobs to gather specific resources, and they will gather those resources.
* With more resources, you can construct building and research advanced techs.
* Develop your own city!

Game feature
* Easy controls
* Simple graphics and UI
* A large number of techs and achievements that excite your challenge spirit.

* Employ farmers as many as you can. They will produce foods, the most important resource in the city.
* Research more techs. The final tech will let you declare independence.
* Prepare for enemy invasions. If the city grows more, the enemy will become stronger.


File APK

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1492 Clicker spesifikasi

Android OS 4.4+
APK (Kit Paket Android)
Bahasa Indonesia
5.00 dari 5 dari 1 suara

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