Urdu to English Translator App untuk Android

Urdu to English Translator App

Dictionary World11

versi 3.0

Terjemahan Bahasa Inggris ke Bahasa Urdu & Terjemahan Bahasa Inggris Urdu dengan Kata-kata, Arti Frasa

Unduhan 4.5 M

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Tanggal Pemindaian: Apr 12, 2024 Versi Perangkat Lunak: 3.0
Status: ✅ Dipercaya & Aman untuk diinstal Aplikasi ini ditandatangani oleh Dictionary World11 dengan tanda tangan digital terpercaya dan diverifikasi dan akan memperbarui instalasi Urdu to English Translator App yang ada Sidik Jari Sertifikat: b1b521bd012c0332098bccd8e8a2a2cbb095cd9e Penerbit: CN:Dictionary World Cara kami memverifikasi keamanan berkas APK
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Urdu to English Translator App Penerjemahan Bahasa aplikasi untuk Android deskripsi

English to Urdu Translator and Dictionary allows you to translate from urdu to English as well as from English to urdu. This translation feature now allows you to know English to urdu translation and urdu to English translation of your desired texts.
All you need to do is to install the app on your phone and translate any of your English text into urdu and similarly translate urdu into English on your phone. You just have to copy the text and paste it in the app and you will get translation from English to urdu or from urdu to English.
In addition to English to urdu translation and urdu to English translation, the other feature that the app offers is English to urdu dictionary and urdu to English dictionary. This urdu dictionary feature of the app allows you to find English meanings of urdu words. Similarly, the English dictionary feature of the app allows you to find urdu meanings of English words. Therefore, with the help of this feature you can find English meanings of urdu words and in the same way the urdu meanings of English words.
English to urdu translator and dictionary app solves all your problems and needs related to translation from English to urdu and urdu to English. Download the app now and enjoy English to urdu translation, urdu to English translation, urdu to English dictionary and English to urdu dictionary App on your phone.

Apa yang baru di v3.0

- Errors Rectified
- Performance Optimization
- Design, UI & UX Improvements
- Minor Bug Fixed
- Crash Resolved


Versi Lama

Urdu to English Translator App icon

2.6 APK

February 15, 2023