Cool Mi Launcher untuk Android

Cool Mi Launcher - CC Launcher

Cool Launcher App Team

versi 6.4.1

Cool Mi Launcher adalah gaya peluncur MIUI, menambahkan dengan banyak fitur berharga

Unduhan 3.3 M

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Tanggal Pemindaian: Sep 12, 2024 Versi Perangkat Lunak: 6.4.1
Status: ✅ Dipercaya & Aman untuk diinstal Aplikasi ini ditandatangani oleh Cool Launcher App Team dengan tanda tangan digital terpercaya dan diverifikasi dan akan memperbarui instalasi Cool Mi Launcher yang ada Sidik Jari Sertifikat: d18e767d972783d3c094354e01567e1664a08b4b Cara kami memverifikasi keamanan berkas APK

Cool Mi Launcher Peluncur aplikasi untuk Android deskripsi

Cool Mi Launcher is MIUI 12 launcher style, adding with many valuable features, it make your phone look like latest XiaoMi, Redmi MIUI phones, it also adding many valuable launcher features besides mi launcher features.
+ Android™ is a registered trademark of Google, Inc.
+ Cool Mi Launcher(CC Launcher) is inspired by XiaoMi, Redmi MIUI launcher, but it is NOT official XiaoMi launcher or Redmi launcher, we have NO official relation with XiaoMi, we built this product with the hope to bring our product value to MIUI users or ALL other brand phone's users.
🔥 Cool Mi Launcher features:
+ Cool Mi Launcher support to run on ALL the Android 4.1+ devices, making your phone looks like a new phone with this fresh new launcher installed
+ Cool Mi Launcher has 500+ cool themes and 1000+ beautiful wallpapers, you may choose what you like
+ Cool Mi Launcher support almost ALL the icon pack released in Play Store
+ Cool Mi Launcher support gestures: swipe up/down, pinch in/out, two fingers gestures
+ Cool Mi Launcher has Video Wallpaper, Live Wallpaper, so cool
+ Hide Apps, lock the hidden apps
+ App Lock, protect your privacy
+ Edit app icon individually
+ MIUI 12 folder style
+ Support folder in drawer
+ Round Corner feature make your phone like full screen phone
+ Battery percentage, App manager, Storage usage/free status, etc. many light and useful tools
+ 3 color mode: light launcher mode, dark launcher mode, automatic mode
+ 4 drawer style: horizontal, vertical, category, or list drawer
+ 5 app sorting method: A-Z, latest installed first, earliest installed first, mostly used, customized
+ Unread Notifier shown on launcher desktop icon, never miss important message
+ Cool Mi Launcher has many options: Dock background options, folder color options, folder style options
+ Cool Mi Launcher can let you change icon size, launcher grid size
+ Cool Mi Launcher has many launcher desktop transition effect
+ Cool Mi Launcher has multi dock pages
+ T9 search in launcher desktop
+ Support change font
❤️ Hope you like Cool Mi Launcher (CC Launcher), please rate us, we are trying our best to make it better and better for you, thanks a lot

Apa yang baru di v6.4.1

1. Fix crash when loading calendar shortcut
2. Fix several crash bugs which introduced after apps targeting Android 14


Versi Lama

Cool Mi Launcher icon

6.0.1 APK

August 30, 2023

Cool Mi Launcher icon

5.8 APK

May 16, 2023