5 Hints 1 Word

5 Hints 1 Word

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  • 1.00

Guess the word using as fewer hints as possible with this addictive word game.


5 Hints 1 Word खेल info

5 Hints 1 Word. Try to guess the word using less than 5 hints. Each hint is a synonym of the answer. Progress through the levels and earn points. If you get stuck, you can spend your points on displaying the first letter, adding a random letter or removing 3 possible letters. If you get really stuck and have no points to use, you can ask a friend on Facebook. A very addictive word game offering hours of fun and testing your brain at the same time! Over 100 Levels Addictive Game Inbuilt Help


APK फाइलें

आप 5 Hints 1 Word का नवीनतम संस्करण डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं। खेल एपीके (एंड्रॉइड पैकेज) फ़ाइल प्रारूप में।.

  • 5 Hints 1 Word apk

यदि आपको 5 Hints 1 Word, कृपया हमारी जाँच करेंAPK, XAPK और OBB फ़ाइलें कैसे इंस्टॉल करें, इस पर गाइड

5 Hints 1 Word विशेष विवरण

Android OS
2220.1 KB
APK (एंड्रॉइड पैकेज किट)
4.5 5 में से 18 वोट

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