Earth School per Android

Earth School

Yateland - Learning Games For Kids

versione 1.1.1

Explore the universe's history and learn science.

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Data Scansione: Oct 24, 2024 Versione Software: 1.1.1
Stato: ✅ Affidabile & Sicuro da installare Questa app è firmata da Yateland - Learning Games For Kids con firma digitale affidabile e verificata e aggiornerà le installazioni esistenti di Earth School Impronta Digitale del Certificato: f74ee72db857b94a4802781c522be8b7a53d714f Come verifichiamo la sicurezza dei file APK

Earth School gioco per Android recensione by AndroidFreeware

Learn about the universe while playing. If you have children or work with them, you will know that they have an insatiable curiosity. Kids love to ask questions, and there is no better way to nurture that curiosity than through games. The studio BabyBus, which is characterized by its educational children's games, offers us this time a fantastic opportunity to explore the universe from a scientific perspective, as well as to learn about the wonders of the Earth.

Big Bang, the solar system, the planets, black holes, and more Earth School is an educational science game that aims to teach kids (and not so kids) the general knowledge of the universe and the origin of the Earth. It is divided into four parts that you can play as you unlock them.

The Big Bang. If you have kids aged six and older, they will have a blast learning about the Big Bang, the origin of the universe, and theories about the universe's future.

A trip to the solar system. Discover the solar system and the nine planets with fun activities such as playing with the rings of Saturn or counting its moons.

Explore the Earth. There are many interesting things about the planet that you have yet to discover, such as its shape and its oceans.

The mysteries of the universe. Learn about black holes, comets, and other fascinating aspects of astrophysics that you likely ignore.

Earth School:

What is the origin of black holes? What is the origin of the universe? What is the origin of life?

As usual in this studio's games, graphics are quite charmer, and the interaction is super easy. For this reason, this title is suitable for all audiences, even for children under the age of three. It also includes an original soundtrack and voices in several languages. All you have to do is download the APK file for free for your children to have fun while they learn.

Novità in v1.1.1

Explore the universe and discover the origin of life!

