Vroom 대상 Android

Vroom: Early Learning

Bezos Family Foundation

버전 3.8.8

출생부터 학습 향상

다운로드 233 K

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안티바이러스 & 안전 검사 결과

검사 날짜: Oct 25, 2024 소프트웨어 버전: 3.8.8
상태: ✅ 신뢰할 수 있고 설치에 안전합니다. 이 앱은 Bezos Family Foundation에 의해 신뢰할 수 있는 인증된 디지털 서명으로 서명되었으며, 기존 Vroom 설치를 업데이트합니다. 인증서 지문: f5b7cbba0453160f7b61e9468a2a4fba20b67a79 APK 파일 보안을 확인하는 방법

Vroom 부모-자녀 상호작용 앱 대상 Android 설명

Science-backed early learning for children from birth to age 5. Access 1000+ fast and fun activities!
Vroom Tips add science-backed early learning moments to mealtime, bathtime, bedtime or anytime. By helping your child learn now, you get them ready for school, friends and life. The Vroom Brain Building Basics—Look, Follow, Chat, Take Turns and Stretch—turn interactions that happen during shared time into brain building moments.
Your child is born ready to learn—and you have what it takes to help them!
How it works:
- Every day, we feature a Vroom Tip for your child’s age range, ready when you open the app.
- There’s brain science behind every Vroom Tip – we share the why behind what your child is learning.
- Explore tips on the go and find ones that are just right for your child. Search tips by setting, Brain Building Basics and other skill areas.
- Set an app reminder to receive a nudge to match your daily routine.
- Vroom App is available in English and Spanish. This app will launch in your phone’s primary language.
- With each short activity, you teach your child the life skills that help them thrive.
Vroom Tips give families easy ways to promote learning and bond throughout the day, providing children with a strong base for lifelong learning during their first five years.
Learn more at vroom.org
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의 새로운 사항 v3.8.8

Tips reminders are back!
