Bodbud Exercise Pro

Bodbud Exercise Pro

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  • 1.00

Inject new life into your workout programme or start a fresh new regime with varied Bodbud workouts tailored to your time available and


Bodbud Exercise Pro 앱 info

New and varied home workouts with exercises that will keep your body guessing. Inject new life into your workout programme or start a fresh new regime with varied Bodbud workouts tailored to your time available and level. Varied exercises for your Arms, Legs, Abdominals, Chest and All Round body workouts. You can focus on Toning up, building Muscle or general Weight-Loss. Choose which type of workout you require and your particular focus area for a different workout combination every time with each exercise coming with a Bodbud description of how it?s performed. Simple and easy enough to use for those 15 minute abdominal morning workouts or a 45 minute muscle building arm workout. Great exercise Ideas for anyone wanting to get fit and healthy. Pro version. Includes more exercises with support for exercises that require a medicine ball, Swiss ball or dumbbells.


APK 파일

Bodbud Exercise Pro의 최신 버전을 다운로드할 수 있습니다 앱 APK(안드로이드 패키지) 파일 형식입니다.

  • Bodbud Exercise Pro apk

Bodbud Exercise Pro 설치에 문제가 있는 경우 APK, XAPK 및 OBB 파일 설치 방법 안내s

Bodbud Exercise Pro 명세서

Android OS 1.6
APK (안드로이드 패키지 키트)
Noma Ellimah
4.5 5에서 17 투표

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