4 in row, 4 in line, four row, four line, rows puzzle, discs line, balls row

4 in row, 4 in line, four row, four line, rows puzzle, discs line, balls row

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Uni4Row is a challenging puzzle game whose goal is to connect a line of four horizontal,vertical,or diagonal discs before your opponent


4 in row, 4 in line, four row, four line, rows puzzle, discs line, balls row 應用程序 info

Uni4Row is a challenging puzzle game whose goal is to connect a line of four horizontal,vertical,or diagonal discs before your opponent does. When running this app "4 in a row", you can play against your phone or play with a friend who sits next to you. Connect 4 discs to win !. The artificial intelligence and the game is run in our servers through our Cloud solution. This app is a remote and optimized access. You do indeed run GNect, which is the four-in-a-row game for Gnome. This app is described in the man pages as follows: The object of the game is to build a line of four of your marbles while trying to stop your opponent (human or computer) building a line of his or her own. A line can be horizontal, vertical or diagonal.


APK 文件

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  • 4 in row, 4 in line, four row, four line, rows puzzle, discs line, balls row apk

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4 in row, 4 in line, four row, four line, rows puzzle, discs line, balls row 下載規格

Android OS
4 in row
4516.9 KB
APK (Android Package Kit)
4.5 滿分 5 來自 13 選票

AndroidFreeware APK Store 可幫助您以 APK 文件格式 安全可靠地下載流行的 Android 手機遊戲和應用程序。
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