Life Clock 为 Android

Life Clock

JaeYoung Kim

版本 1.4


下載 2 K



掃描日期: Jul 1, 2024 軟件版本: 1.4
狀態: ✅ 值得信賴 & 安全安裝 此應用由 JaeYoung Kim 簽署,具有信任和驗證的數字簽名,會更新現有的 Life Clock 安裝 證書指紋: b6fa116c81587e8654d1a639366bd87638aac8e2 我們如何驗證 APK 文件安全性

Life Clock 时钟和闹钟 应用 为 Android 描述

How much time do I have left to live to the age I want to live to?
Set your birthday and the age you want to live to and you'll see how much time you have left and how much time you've lived.
Motivate yourself to live harder!
* Key features.
+ Set your birthday and the age you want to live to
+ Show time left in years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds
+ Display time lived in years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds
+ Home screen widget support (year, month, week, day, hour, minute)
+ Dark mode support

新變化 v1.4

+ Added week item
+ Add missing translations
+ UI improvements
+ Error fixes


生活时钟 apk Reloj de vida apk ライフクロック apk 인생 시계 apk



Life Clock icon

1.3 APK

April 9, 2024