dfndr security cho Android

dfndr security: antivirus


phiên bản 12.2.1

Dfndr security là một phần mềm chống vi-rút giúp điện thoại của bạn an toàn và ngăn nắp.

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Kết quả quét Antivirus & an toàn

Ngày Quét: Sep 26, 2024 Phiên Bản Phần Mềm: 12.2.1
Trạng Thái: ✅ Tin Cậy & An Toàn để cài đặt Ứng dụng này được ký bởi PSafe với chữ ký số tin cậy và xác thực và nó sẽ cập nhật các cài đặt dfndr security hiện có Dấu vân tay Chứng chỉ: e7c231874622e1174451874ebb4c9d9339aebba5 Cách chúng tôi xác minh bảo mật của file APK

dfndr security Chống vi-rút ứng dụng cho Android mô tả

dfndr security is the complete and easy-to-use antivirus you need to keep your phone safe and organized.
The app has won multiple awards in digital security and has been installed over 200 million times worldwide. It protects you against scams (such as phishing attempts), viruses, fake news, identity theft and much more. It also makes it possible to track your cell phone in case of loss or theft. In addition to protecting your device, dfndr security is lightweight and offers powerful file organization and assistance features.
Download dfndr security right now!
Key features of dfndr security:
✔ Full AV Scan protects your apps
✔ dfndr assistant lets you know what to do
✔ ID Theft Report protects your credentials
✔ Quick Clean Up allows you to remove unnecessary files
Full AV Scan protects your apps
dfndr security provides real-time protection against scams, fake websites and fake news, as well as privacy risk scanning in your apps. Antivirus detects and removes malware and other threats automatically. Prevent identity theft by monitoring all your digital credentials 24/7. Receive alerts whenever there is a leak involving your data.
dfndr assistant lets you know what to do
dfndr assistant notifies you when you need to take action. Protect yourself and improve your experience with just one click.
ID Theft Report protects your credentials
Register multiple emails and receive reports on the security of your accounts. You can monitor your credentials 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and receive real-time alerts if any of your emails have been leaked.
Quick Clean Up allows you to remove unnecessary files
Remove junk files and caches from your smartphone's storage.
dfndr security Pro and Ultra
Also get to know the Pro and Ultra versions, which offer access to exclusive security features, in addition to 24-hour monitoring of your credentials.
It is possible to test our premium versions for 3 days. Give it a try!
Dfndr security uses the Accessibility permission to help users install apps safely and to protect them from scam attempts (i.e. alerting when a user clicks on a malicious link).
-> Visit our website: www.psafe.com
-> Do not sell my personal information:
-> License Agreement:
-> Terms of Use:

Có gì mới trong v12.2.1

Thank you for using dfndr security! =)



Thông Số Kỹ Thuật

Phiên Bản Cũ

dfndr security icon

10.3.1 APK

July 13, 2023

dfndr security icon

10.3.0 APK

June 27, 2023

dfndr security icon

10.2.0 APK

June 4, 2023

Đánh Giá Điều Này

Xếp Hạng

★ 4.40 từ 5 đánh giá


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