Roli - A Physics based Puzzle game

Roli - A Physics based Puzzle game

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Roli is a physics based puzzle game, where the player has to direct the ball towards a particular "goal point" after


Roli - A Physics based Puzzle game trò chơi info

Roli is a physics based puzzle game. In this game there is one goal point (Green star) , which has to be collected by the ball in order to unlock the successive levels. Again, there are three other points(Yellow Stars) which are to be collected before collecting the goal point, because the goal point is collectible only after all the three yellow stars are collected. Which means all the four points are to be collected by the ball in one go. So its kind of a puzzle that needs some thinking. There are various tools viz. wooden triangle, wooden box, vertical spring, cannon and portal, that are used for changing the direction of the ball. The player has to place the tools at some appropriate places before moving the ball, that would lead the ball to its goal. Once the ball is in motion all the tools get locked and so the player won't be able to modify the tools' positions when the ball is moving. The ball on contact with the tools will change its direction as per the physics of the tools. Here's the link to the trailer: video: src=""



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Roli - A Physics based Puzzle game Thông số kỹ thuật

Android OS 4.4+
APK (Bộ gói Android)
Tiếng Việt
4.5 Trong số 5 từ 16 Phiếu bầu

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