BatterySnap (Battery Snap)

BatterySnap (Battery Snap)

  • Updated
  • 3.4.14 release

BatterySnap: manage your battery with beautiful graphics and widgets


BatterySnap (Battery Snap) app info

- simultaneous multi-scale simultaneous display of the battery level
- fully customizable widgets for monitoring and recording remaining life, charging times, voltage, temperature
- widget can be on lock screen
- highly interactive dynamic real time graphics (how can you leave without it? ;))
- analyze battery usage for months
- no battery drain

- get 1% precision on battery level on all devices (thanks Michal Veselovský for having suggested and tested this feature)

An advice : use the widget and keep the app at least two days otherwise you will miss most of its benefits.

If you like this app, tell your friends ;)

I will be happy to answer your Battery snap related questions. Just send me an email!
Report a bug or suggest a useful feature and you will win a code to get Battery snap Xtra for free!

Get Battery snap Xtra! to remove all ads, get alerts when level is high or low, have the level nicely displayed in the notification bar, and some more widget styles!

Notice : if you have and Android device using a "battery saver", or running Android 6.0 or greater, and if you see some unexpected flat areas in graphs. This is because "Battery Snap" is prevented to record battery events when the phone is idle. To prevent this, just set an exception for "Battery Snap" so that it is excluded of aggressive battery saving settings.


APK Files

BatterySnap (Battery Snap) is Android tools app that can be downloaded in APK (Android Package) file format.

  • BatterySnap (Battery Snap) apk

Check out our guide on how to install APK, XAPK and OBB files, to avoid having trouble installing BatterySnap (Battery Snap).

BatterySnap (Battery Snap) Specifications

Android 4.1
APK (Android Package Kit)
3.4.14 release
4.30 out of 5 from 43 votes

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