냥코 대전쟁 for Android

냥코 대전쟁

PONOS Corporation

version 13.6.0

The Jingle Cute Nyanko Corps dreams of conquering the world!!!

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Antivirus & safety scan results

Scan Date: Sep 6, 2024 Software Version: 13.6.0
Status: ✅ Trusted & Safe to install This app is signed by PONOS Corporation with trusted and verified digital signature and it will updated existing 냥코 대전쟁 installations Certificate fingerprint: 0dc1accfc5ee10c7fb375a0126e01ffc3a8cc46a How we verify APK files security

냥코 대전쟁 game for Android review by AndroidFreeware

"냥코 대전쟁” is an addictive and zany game for Android that allows you to take on the role of a General in a battle to conquer the world. It blends elements of strategy and nurturing in a fresh, captivating way that will surely engross players. With simple controls and intuitive mechanics, this game is sure to provide hours of fun.

The graphics are vibrant and appealing with cute “nyangko” characters, exotic locations, and explosive battles. You can choose from several different units at your disposal including warriors, tanks, cannons and more to defeat your enemies. Through various strategies such as building outposts, forming alliances and collecting treasure you can claim all that exists within the game world. However, there are some items which require real money so be aware of any micro-transactions or fees associated with the game before making purchases.

Another great aspect of “냥코 대전쟁 APK” is its streamlined battle system which allows players to quickly recruit characters according to their preferences while leveling up their commanders by acquiring XP through stage completion bonuses. The more characters you have under your command, the higher chance you have of achieving victory over enemy forces as they become stronger each time they level up; leading you closer towards finally dominating the entire game world! There are also EX-characters that appear randomly throughout levels which can be collected to further enhance your power - adding an element of surprise and reward when playing this addictive title.

In conclusion “냥코 대전쟁" is an entertaining casual game that mixes strategic planning with adorable visuals in order for players to experience an enjoyable adventure; but one should always be conscious about fees associated prior engaging in it longer than intended. So why don't you take on this challenge? Who knows how far your dreams could go if given the opportunity?

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What's new in v13.6.0

■미션 기능 확장
달성 보수를 한꺼번에 획득 가능
일부 미션 한정, 대상 스테이지 선택 화면, 가마토토 화면으로 이동할 수 있는 기능 추가
일부 화면에서 미션 달성 알림이 표시
미션 화면 레이아웃 변경

■오프닝, 엔딩 기능 업데이트
재생 중 화면을 길게 눌러 빠르게 재생하는 기능 추가
데이터 다운로드 중 오프닝이 재생되게 변경
마지막으로 플레이한 상황에 따라 기동 시 오프닝이 변화

■캐릭터에 진화 형태 추가
일부 캐릭터에 제3, 제4형태 진화 추가

■캐릭터에 본능 추가
일부 캐릭터에 본능, 초본능을 추가

■레전드 스토리
새로운 맵 추가

■그 외
유저 랭크 보수 추가
냥콤보 추가
일부 기능 개선

■버그 수정



Old Versions

냥코 대전쟁 icon

12.6.1 APK

September 27, 2023

냥코 대전쟁 icon

12.5.0 APK

August 2, 2023

냥코 대전쟁 icon

12.4.1 APK

June 28, 2023