Memorize Your Classics Books and comics app for Android description
Welcome to MYC (Memorize Your Classics)! This app helps you display, read, and memorize poems, ballads, epic poems, and other classic texts. 📚✨🎭
How it works:
- Tap the big red button to access your poem collection
- In the display screens:
- Navigate by tapping the right or left half of the screen
- See the current stanza, last two lines of previous stanza, and next two lines all at once! 📖
- Exit using standard Android back behavior
- When first installed:
- Add poems by tapping the "+" symbol
- Enter author, title, year, and paste your content 📝
- Save with the big red button
- Or import prepared text files via the import icon 📤
- Change poem IDs easily:
- Tap the 123 icon
- Enter any new 3-digit ID
- Move through poems automatically
- Tap 123 again to save
- 📱 Smart Display - See previous, current, and upcoming lines all at once for better memorization
- 🔍 Quick Access - Use the Text ID system for instant poem retrieval
- 📥 Easy Import - Bulk import function for prepared text files with simple syntax
- 🔄 Flexible Organization - Change poem order and numbering easily
- 💾 Privacy First - All data stored locally on your device
Comes pre-loaded with classics like "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe, "Der Handschuh" by Friedrich Schiller, and "Der Zauberlehrling" by Goethe! 🎭📚
Created with ❤️ by Valentin.