Sushi for Android

Sushi - Personal Finance

Jerameel Delos Reyes

version 1.15

Keep track of your own finances

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Antivirus & safety scan results

Scan Date: Feb 9, 2023 Software Version: 1.15
Status: ✅ Trusted & Safe to install This app is signed by Jerameel Delos Reyes with trusted and verified digital signature and it will updated existing Sushi installations Certificate fingerprint: 45e8e8ce9c79aa01fea9e656a8ba9a851a17ba5f Issuer: C:UK, CN:FDroid, L:ORG,, ST:ORG, OU:FDroid How we verify APK files security
Android antivirus Status
MAX Clean ✅
K7GW Clean ✅
DrWeb Clean ✅
VirIT Clean ✅
ClamAV Clean ✅
Google Clean ✅
Ikarus Clean ✅
Lionic Clean ✅
Sophos Clean ✅
Yandex Clean ✅
Alibaba Clean ✅
Tencent Clean ✅
Xcitium Clean ✅
Fortinet Clean ✅
Symantec Clean ✅
AhnLab-V3 Clean ✅
Kaspersky Clean ✅
Microsoft Clean ✅
Trustlook Clean ✅
ESET-NOD32 Clean ✅
Avast-Mobile Clean ✅
NANO-Antivirus Clean ✅
BitDefenderFalx Clean ✅

Sushi Personal Finance app for Android description

An open source mobile application to help you easily manage multiple wallets and record transactions.

From expenses like Groceries, Online Shopping, Subscriptions, for your savings and income, and even wallet transfers... you can list them on Sushi.

Manage your personal finances with Sushi.



Old Versions

Sushi icon

1.14 APK

January 2, 2023

Sushi icon

1.13 APK

September 29, 2022